Thanks for your orders, everyone... Looks like the Cursillistas / White Light Travel Light LP is totally sold-out at this point. Eclipse Records and Time-Lag might still have copies, and a few are going to Tomentosa soon. Good luck!
21 August 2009
L'animaux Update, 8.21.09: new Cursillistas; White Light & The American Drone Band
Hey everyone, quick announcement that the Pre-Order period for Cursillistas' Les Biches and Tempera's Tempera LPs & CDs are officially over... all pre-orders have been or will ship as of this evening.
For anyone who missed out on the pre-order, or if you were just saving your pennies till the records were ready to ship, now's the time! They're disappearing fast!
LTFR 1201:
Cursillistas' Les Biches (co-released with Time-Lag Records)
12" 180gram black vinyl LP, held in a letterpressed art paper jacket with silkscreened interior, photo-corner-mounted vellum insert sheet, includes a pro-pressed CD version of the album (with minimalist alternate packaging), and held closed with a hand-sewn button & clasp enclosure. Very limited edition of 300 - only a few copies left!$17 + shipping - click here to order and for more info.CD version alone: Exact-duplicated LP artwork, offset-printed onto art paper (same as LP), with a three-panel fold-over design with soft spine, pro-pressed CD and offset-printed vellum insert. $10 + shipping - click here to order.LTFR 1202:Tempera's Tempera
12" crystal clear vinyl LP, held in in-house silkscreened double-sided fold-out poster-style sleeve, includes pro-pressed CD version of the album (with bonus track!) that is packaged with exclusive art full-color printed on art paper sleeve. Strictly limited to 300 copies.
$15 + shipping - click here to order and for more info.
US customers, order both and for a limited time get FREE shipping via Media Mail. Canada and Worldwide, email first for a shipping quote on combined shipping.
Now, a few special items... since these are so limited, please email first for availability before sending payment:
LTFR 1203:
Cursillistas & White Light's Travel Light
Ultra-limited split-12" from our tour, featuring 20 minutes apiece of all-new and exclusive material from Cursillistas and White Light. Lightweight, black 12" vinyl LP held in art paper half-sleeve, with gold & maroon mandala cover art two-color silkscreened on the front side and a back-flap with liner notes offset-printed in maroon. Super limited to 150 copies; only a very few left. $14 + shipping.
LTH 713:Cursillistas' Peace Pipers cassette (c-45)I know a couple months back I said these would be exclusive to the Tryst Haunt subscribers, but thanks to a print shop that gave us a bunch of extra sleeves, combined with the fact that some folks haven't taken advantage of the free tape swap option, there are a few extras kicking around that should be in your hands. Exclusive jams that add up to a prequel or addendum to the Joint Chiefs LP out on Digitalis later this year (see below for more info on that). 45 minutes of headspace dustbowl jams that are a perfect complement to your zoned-out summer heatwave evenings. Limited to 100 copies on transparent sapphire-blue tapes, wrapped in a full-color printed textured art paper sleeve, held together with a piece of golden yarn; few left. $6 + shipping.LTFR 020:
White Light & The American Drone Band's 4.14.79
Dark, dank, blissed and pissed jams from a Portland all-star cast. Members of White Light, Tempera, Cursillistas, Visitations, Computer At Sea, Planets Around The Sun and many more congregating under the full moon for a good ole fashioned howlin'. Vocal moans, analog synth tones, dueling Crazy Horse-style guitar leads, and a crazy wasted drum circle. All in good fun, of course. Tracing a line from Amon Duul I to Sun Ra to the new weird hypnogogic, this is a celebration of "the now drone" ... this is an exploration of "the dub" ... this is the story of "the drum" ... Stay in the rhythm. Two extended improvised pieces, pro-recorded by Pete Nanortes and lovingly pieced together by your emcee, Ian Paige. 28 minute mini-album, on white-top CD-R, with pro-printed CD insert sleeve on textured art paper, limited to 100 unnumbered copies. $6 + shipping.
And one more item to mention, which is, Cursillistas' Joint Chiefs LP is now up for pre-order from Digitalis Recordings. Limited to 200 copies total, with a great exclusive pre-order bonus (Headband Tapes bonus cassette, pin designed by Cursillistas, and an early mp3 download of the album way before the release) it would be wise to reserve your copy now. $19 US, $22 Canada, $30 Worldwide for the special edition, so get to it! You can also preview tracks from the album at that site and at Cursillistas' Myspace.
05 August 2009
Les Biches LP sleeves are back from the letterpress! We'll be busy for the next couple weeks silkscreening the insides and hand-sewing the button enclosure, but pre-orders should get sorted out and shipped by the end of next week.
Official mailing list update coming when those are all set, along with announcements of a couple special L'animaux micro-editions... Lips sealed for now.
20 July 2009
Hey y'all... massive delays upon delays on the Les Biches LP packaging... We're doing all we can to resolve the situation. Everyone who ordered anything OTHER than the Les Biches LP will see things start to arrive in the mail soon. Otherwise, unfortunately, it'll be another couple weeks at least. Many apologies.
The silver lining is that we do happen to have a very few leftover copies of the ultra-limited (hand-numbered to 150) tour-only full-length 12" split LP from Cursillistas & White Light, entitled Travel Light, which carries a light $14 price tag. Email lanimaux [at] gmail [dot] com quickly if interested.
Look for an update in a couple weeks when (hopefully) Les Biches will finally be ready to wander the wild.
11 June 2009
Hey folks,
Thanks for sticking with us during the silent film era.
Some exciting announcements; first and foremost, a big hullabaloo hootenanny going down tomorrow night at Space Gallery for all you Portland (Maine) folks:
We're converting SPACE into a living room house party for a night; quilts, afghans, pillows, rugs, and tea by lamplight as you enjoy live performances from TEMPERA, WHITE LIGHT, and CURSILLISTAS.
Then, we kick up a dance storm with a performance from AM FRANK (members of VISITATIONS) ... those analog-synth-punk No-Wave party starters with a bagful of dance moves, strobe lights, and a great reverence for Vega/Rev.
And, finally, the return of MOD NIGHT, Ian Paige's 60's soul, garage, and general Nuggets-Stax-Motown throwdown dance party DJ set. We'll wrap things up with a special DJ set from the Joint Chiefs (members of Cursillistas); moving your dance pants into obscuro-70's territory with some hard funk, heavy psych, classic rock, and dub-reggae jams.
Should be a fun trip for all you heads... Doors at 8pm, music starts at 8:30 sharp, with DJ sets starting around 11pm. 18+ and $6 cover!
Of course, I should mention that this is all in celebration of L'animaux Tryst's first three full-length 12"LP vinyl releases and a tour kickoff for Cursillistas and White Light... details on the records a little furthur down; but here's the tour info:CURSILLISTAS & WHITE LIGHT: TRAVEL LIGHT TOUR 2009
6/12 - Portland, ME@ Space Gallery [w. Tempera & AM Frank]6/13 - Northampton, MA @ King St. Manor [w. Nathan Blehar (Hobbs)]6/14 - Montague, MA@ Montague Bookmill [w. MV & EE]6/15 - Delaware Water Gap, PA@ La Societe Expeditionnaire HQ [w. Lewis & Clarke]6/16 - Brooklyn, NY@ Monster Island Basement [w. Predator Vision & Sudden Oak]6/17 - Philadelphia, PA@ The Marvelous6/18 - Pittsburgh, PA@ Morning Glory Coffeehouse [w. Tom Carter, Steve Gunn, Shawn David McMillen, & Gorman]6/20 - Bloomington, IN@ The Clinic [w. Elephant Micah & Gorman]6/21 - Knoxville, TN @ The Birdhouse [w. Gorman]6/23 - Loudenville, OH@ The Gorge Overlook at Mohican State Park [w. Gorman & Requiltings]6/25 - Kittery, ME@ Buoy [w. Tempera]6/27 - New Sweden, ME @ Thomas Park [Arootsakoostik Festival; w. Chriss Sutherland, Dead End Armory, many others]Added incentive for coming out to these shows: Cursillistas & White Light will have a special, very limited edition [150 copies] tour split 12"LP entitled TRAVEL LIGHT, which will only be available on this tour. (If there are copies left after the tour, some may be made available through L'animaux). Come on out and say hi! We'll also have lots of presents for anyone who provides us with a place to crash (or a yard to pitch a tent in) for a night, or a shower, or a vegan meal, or wireless internet. Road trips.PRE-ORDERS ON NEW L'ANIMAUX GOODS:
LTFR-1201CURSILLISTAS' LES BICHES12"LP & CDL'animaux Tryst's first-ever release, Cursillistas' Les Biches, sold out over two years ago and has remained out-of-print until this deluxe reissue courtesy of Time-Lag Records and L'animaux Tryst. Each track has been remixed and analog-remastered from the original souce audio, with four previously-unreleased bonus tracks from Les Biches-era recording sessions added on. The songs themselves marked a transitional period for Cursillistas, where early folk influences were beginning to be pushed into the realm of psychedelic improvisations, live looping, and bizarre instrument choices [three of the songs are led by toy xylophone]. While still rooted in acid-folk-pop, the album marked a clear shift to more experimental tendencies and a more "full band" sound. Pressed onto 180-gram heavyweight black vinyl, packaged in a letterpressed three-fold art paper jacket (with hand-sewn button enclosure and vellum insert mounted over a silkscreened design), and including a CD version of the album, this pressing is limited to 300 copies. [CD version is also sold seperately].'S TEMPERA12"LP & CDWhen it comes to quality control and prolificacy, one can't imagine a band doing much better on either count than Portland, Maine's own Tempera. Considering the thousands of minutes of original material they've committed to tape, microcassette, and hard-drive over the past four years, it's hard to believe that this is still officially Tempera's debut long-playing album. And befitting the band's thorough self-scrutiny (in itself a rare characteristic amongst experimental improv groups in this era) the music is decidedly top-tier. This self-titled LP contains two side-long, long-form improvisations, with kraut-rock inspired tom-heavy drumming backing ethereal vocals and synth tones and drones; smooth, blissed-out ambient passages building to cymbal crashing climaxes. Here, Tempera's Nicholas Barker and Corinna Marshall are joined by electric pianist/drummer Robert Stillman [of Robert Stillman's Horses] to hit that ecstatic, transcendent zone. Pressed onto crystal clear 12" vinyl (and including a CD version of the album with a bonus track), packaged in a silkscreened art paper "poster-style" fold-over sleeve, and limited to 300 copies.
In other news, you may notice that the website's gotten a bit of a re-vamp.. We're still working on it so please excuse the broken links. Email lanimaux[at]gmail[dot]com with questions...
Also, as mentioned in a previous blog post, the Sequin Trails tape that was sent out with a few of the Summer Haunt subscriptions has been recalled, and will be replaced with an exclusive new Cursillistas cassette entitled "Peace Pipers". 45 minutes of incense-soaked blissed desert wanderings on acoustic guitar, electric slide guitar, baglama [saz], and voice, from the Cursillistas duo that will be bringing you the JOINT CHIEFS LP on Digitalis later this year. Think of "Peace Pipers" as a prequel, or addendum to that LP, with no material repeated. We'll be assembling tapes as soon as we're back from tour, so they'll ship when the new Tempera and Cursillistas LPs & CDs are ready. If you send your copy of "Slumber Beneath The Leaves" back to us, you'll get the Cursillistas cassette sent to you + a shipping credit for whatever it cost to return the tape to us. [Please use the cheapest shipping rate available to you]. Thanks! For now there are no plans to make "Peace Pipers" available to the world at large, so you Tryst Haunt subscribers are getting a real exclusive here. We're only making 75 copies, for the first 75 subscribers to the series.
Speaking of the Tryst Haunt Series, we're having a special sale going on for the next couple weeks: all seasonal sets of three 7" records are available for just $15 + shipping while supplies last... it's a good time to complete the set if you've ordered just one or two seasons so far. The total translates to $18 US [media mail], $21 [US Priority, or Canada], and $24 [Worldwide]. Visit to order.
Other specials going on: Order the Tempera LP + CD and get their split single with Bad Bus from the Tryst Haunt Series for just $4. And for US orders, if you pre-order both the Tempera and Cursillistas LP + CD sets, shipping is FREE via Media Mail. Those specials are at the pre-orders and specials page of the site.
25 February 2009
Cursillistas' Maia Maiestas series is now SOLD OUT! Now cross-pollenate those buds, lil' bumblebees... Share share as you'd like. Get in touch if you'd like to make your tape available for all to hear on the L'animaux site.Coming up soon in '09:*L'animaux 12" vinyl debuts from CURSILLISTAS (co-released with Time-Lag) and TEMPERA. Look for pre-orders to start in March. Both exquisitely packaged and supremely limited to 300 copies.*PLANETS AROUND THE SUN, BAD BUS, and ST. MARY'S limited edition CD-Rs.*SACRED BASIL and CURSILLISTAS tapes.all sometime between March and June.
25 January 2009
SLUMBER BENEATH THE LEAVES cassette has been recalled. Please get in touch at with questions and to return the tape for a refund. Thank you.
06 January 2009
Summer Tryst Haunt orders have started to ship... starting with earliest subscribers. Everyone who's ordered as of today should receive their records and Tunnels w. Sequin Trails cassette by January 20th.Still plenty of records available, though the tape is nearly sold out. And there are currently 8 of the Cursillistas Maia Maiestas tapes left... get in touch soon if interested. lanimaux (at) gmail (dot) com.